

Tofu was a terrier cross and the happiest little dog you could ever wish to meet. He came into our lives at Xmas 2000 as a very hungry and dehydrated stray. We brought him inside gave him food and a drink and here he stayed.

Tofu was so very friendly to everyone he met either human or animal. Wherever we went the first words we would hear was a joyous “Tof is here!!, hiya Tof, give us a kiss…” he wasn’t exactly an obedient dog but that too was part of his charm, sometimes he was good Tof sometimes his evil twin, but he was always adorable.

Tof passed suddenly and unexpectedly on Sunday 12 May 2007 aged 8 years, Bry,Cheryl Robbie and Jack are heartbroken and still can’t believe it, we miss you everyday Tof and always will. Thank you so much for all the love and smiles you gave us…. We will love you forever

Cheryl Wille
Little River Vic