Is it time to get a new companion animal? There is no correct length of time to wait before bringing another pet into your Continued »
Supporting someone in their grief There are no rules when helping someone through their grief. There are no right things Continued »
Support groups and counseling There are many effective support groups out there that can help those grieving the loss Continued »
Elderly people and their pets Animals in the lives of elderly people often take on many roles. They include that Continued »
My other animals You may notice your other pets are not themselves. It is possible they too are Continued »
Rituals and ceremonies A ritual can be as simple as lighting a candle, reading out a poem or Continued »
Can I stay with my pet when he is being euthanised The short answer is ABSOLUTELY. And it is encouraged if you think you’re able to Continued »
Animal grief counsellors Companion Animal Grief Counsellors Michelle Grimshaw 9486 2997 Office in Northcote Philippa Gemmell 0408 451 421 Office in East Kew Vanessa Rohlf Continued »