Jacqui Lee

Our faithful friend Name: Jacqui Lee Breed: Jack Russell Cross DOB: 18/08/1992 (approx.) Age at Death:


Name: Matey Breed: Great Dane x Boxer Died: 14/11/2005 Age: 13 years and 1 month (with us from


I lost the very best friend I have ever had on April 5th 2005 from


Our Beloved Keeshond Teiffja passed away suddenly at 10 years 3 weeks of age on


Name: Jack Breed: Bull Terrier x Pit Bull Died April 1st 2005 Aged: 13 Years Jack, I had since


Timmy, Timikins, and Timbo, were some of the names we had for you. Tim-Tam was a favourite


Our beautiful German Shepherd, Max, passed away on May 28th, 2005. Max lived with us