
Kouta (Pointer/Hunting Dog) passed away 25 Aug 2006 aged 9 years (hit by car).

My family and I had Kouta since he was a pup. He was my best friend. I’m still shocked by the news, it hurts because I wasn’t home, and I didn’t get the chance to say goodbye to him. Memories and his collar is all I have left of Kouta. He was very over-protective of my family and I. He used to love going for walks. All I had to say to him was “Kouta, go for walkies?!”. His ears would pop up, and he’d get excited. He’s my baby boy, and I love him so much. I’d always sneak him inside, when my mum doesn’t like animals in the house. I love you Kouta, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. R.I.P. baby boy. You are gone, but never forgotten.

Bianca, Broadmeadows.