
In January 2005 we had the honour of adopting the most beautiful little
dog who we named Bernie who was approximately 2 years old. He was
extremely underweight, required knee surgery and needed to be spayed.
However I fell in love with him from the moment I saw him, as did our
other dog Georgie who I bought along to help find a special friend to keep
her company. Bernie was the most gentle, loving little soul who liked
nothing more than to go on walks at Newport Lakes and to sleep next to you
whenever you sat down. His one vice in life was cheese, and he would come
running from the other end of the house no matter how quietly I tried to
remove the cheese packet from the fridge!


Little Bernie had a collapsed trachea which we watched very closely all
his life, however it masked the fact that he also had heart disease. We
always kept him with us and carried him when he tired of running – we did
the best for him, but unfortunately we could not mend his little heart,
and on Sunday 24th July 2011 at 9.40pm I made the hardest decision of my
life and had him put to sleep. He could not fight anymore, and I stayed
with him until he made the journey over the rainbow bridge. We are all so
incredibly sad and for such a little dog he has left a huge emptiness in
our house, and as the alpha dog, our other dogs Georgie and Millie, as
well as Simba the cat, seem very quiet and lost with out him.


I am so thankful to Bernie for giving us all the most wonderful 6.5 years
of his life. I have attached my favourite photos of Bernie, as well as a
picture we took on Sunday 31st July 2011 when we went on our first walk at
Newport Lakes without Bernie – the most incredible rainbow I have ever
seen – complete from end to end, which I would like to believe Bernie made
for me.

Bernie Rainbow
Bernie Rainbow

Many thanks for sending us the beautiful sympathy card and for your kind
words – it was very much appreciated.

Ben, Penni, Simba, Georgie and Millie