I recently lost my two full bred Staffordshires, Chloe (brindle) would have been 9 years old next month & Kaa’hli (black & white) would have been 3 in October. Kaa’hli, like so many of your animals was dumped and so near death when she came into my care. I could not understand (and still cannot understand to this day) why someone would want to mistreat such a beautiful animal. I was truly blessed to have both girls in my life.
Sadly, I lost my girls while visiting a friend in a farming community. My girls were shot by a farmer, just because they were on his property, sadly which is the law. I was devastated as it took 2 days of investigative work to find out what had happened to my girls and where they had mercilessly been dumped. I had both of my girls cremated, and to this day I am still grieving over the loss of them. They were truly two little princesses that I will miss everyday for the rest of my life. As the girls were my kiddies.