Breed : Boarder collie x blue healer
Date of death : 10/12/2009
Age at death : 10 yrs
When acquired : Jan 2000 6 weeks old
Length of time with us : Nearly 10 years
Your Name: Heather Watson
Your general locality address: Bribie Island QLD
Since the moment I saw you and your siblings, you were the one that stood
out. You were there for me and I for you through some tuff times and many
more happy times and quiet times. You were my best mate, my everything.
Thank you for sharing our lives together. You loved to go storm chasing with
me and you loved the beach and the bush. Thank you for getting the papers
and the mail and anything I asked. Thank you for being there for me and
protecting me when I needed it. You will always be in my heart for ever.
Thanks to the Bribie Island vet clinic and Pets Eternal as now you can still
be with me where ever I go as your still with me.
Love you Phoebe oxoxoxoxo